Hey Band! I'm so glad your brother is ok. The authorities did an excellent job of identifying and then tracking down the suspects as quickly as they did. And it was wonderful how the public cooperated with the police in these unusual circumstances and how they all pulled together to keep themselves safe while the police did their work.
By the sheerest of coincidences, I was in Cambridge Thursday evening just a couple of hours before all the excitement there began. I was meeting a young Russian guy (not a student) to show him a computer I was selling on craigslist. Very nice guy. LIves nearby in Watertown. We spent about an hour together and he wound up buying the computer on the spot. I left there about 8 pm. So glad I was back home when the fireworks began.
The next day, Friday, about 6 pm, one of my Significant Other's co-workers called. She is also a friend, and she works from home for medical reasons. Turns out she lives right next door to the house where the other four suspects were arrested. She and her family were hunkered down in their house when suddenly a bunch of police cars showed up with lights flashing and surrounded the house next door. They could hear the police using bullhorns to talk to the people in the house and order them to come out with their hands up. They wound up arresting three men and one woman. Haven't heard much about them since. The lady who called said they were very frightened when it all began, but the police were great and did what they could to reassure them and keep them safe.
What a small world, huh?